Friends — The Rachel Theory

Feature Junkie
3 min readFeb 7, 2021

Behind every popular show, there are hundreds of conspiracies; Friends is no exception to this rule. When Friends appeared on the screen, it brought millions of fans, each of whom subscribes to a specific theory. I want to preface this by saying that I did not invent this theory, and I do not take credit for it. Now, without further adieu, may I introduce the Rachel theory.

The first episode of Friends begins with Rachel running out on her wedding to Barry. She goes to Manhattan to find her childhood best-friend Monica and live a new life. She makes new friends, falls in and out of love, and even learns how to work. Or did she? What if she never left Barry? The Rachel Theory states that the entire show is Rachel’s dream the night before her wedding. Rachel dreams of running away to New York City. In the first episode, she says that Monica is her only friend in the city. She knew Ross because he was Monica’s brother, and she had met Chandler at a Thanksgiving dinner years before. Although she never met Phoebe or Joey, she could have easily dreamed up the two characters.

Although this theory may seem far-fetched, it does make some sense. She and Barry were not happy together. She says in Season One, episode 7, “The One With the Blackout,” that she and Barry never had a passionate love — so, it’s not hard to believe that she dreamed up passionate love with Paolo and Ross. When her mother and father get a divorce, her mother explains it to her by saying, “you didn’t marry your Barry, honey, but I married mine.” After this episode, countless references are made about her parents’ unhappy marriage. The constant fighting, never talking, and lack of understanding of each other. If the show was Rachel’s dream, it could indicate that she viewed her future with Barry as unhappy as her parents’ marriage.

In Season One, episode 20, “The One With the Evil Orthodontist,” Rachel finds out that her maid of honor, Mindy, had an affair with Barry while the two were still engaged. If the show was truly Rachel’s dream, then this would mean that she already knew about the affair. (Yet another reason she might dream about running away from the altar.) Later in the show, she finds a job that she loves in the fashion industry, and she learns that her father is proud of her for her independence. It’s not difficult to imagine this was part of a dream, finding an amazing job in New York City, and being your parent’s favorite child.

If the show is Rachel’s dream, then it is clear that it is the life she wants. The question is, does she take it? Does she wake up and leave Barry at the altar? Does she go to the city? Does she find Monica? Does she get a big job? Does it work out? Or does she stay with Barry?



Feature Junkie

I analyze movies, and maybe a TV show every now and again. I am 17 years old and love movies. All analyses are original and honest.